A teacher advised a student to work hard . By working hard , teacher said , u ll have a good score , that , in turn ll help u to get into a prestigious college.
Student replied .... if I don't work hard , what ll happen,...
It automatically implies that u ll not get admission into a good college.
Moral ....
I don't want to exercise...... plz, in future say I want a rusted and diseased body
I don't want to work hard in my career, plz , in future say I cherish poverty, humiliation and insult
I make money through unscrupulous means , just say , I have decided to spend some part of my life behind bars or its acceptable to me to be having a tainted image in public life .
I can't work enthusiastically, just say , I have accepted to keep changing my jobs and ultimately I want to settle for mediocrity
If we all adopt the practice of directly confronting " effect " rather than cause , believe me it ll daily hit right slaps on us and definitely it will induce the much needed stimulus for change
Amardeep Garg